Graça e Paz!
Jovens Marcados é um dos ministérios que existem no Ministério Evangélico Meshareth que tem como presidente o pastor David Silvério Toledo. Esse ministério trabalha e desenvolve o crescimento espiritual e pessoal dos jovens sob a direção e as orientações do Espírito Santo, além de promover ações evangelísticas por meio de peças teatrais, a fim de resgatar vidas do inferno e trazê-las para Luz do Senhor levando-as a renderem-se a Cristo. O ministério Jovens Marcados tem em sua liderança o pastor Bruno Ramos e o ministro de louvor Leandro Gonzaga. São muito bem-vindos ao nosso ministério todos aqueles que desejam servir ao Senhor Jesus Cristo, esperamos que as nossas vidas seja um bom testemunho despertando em você o desejo ardente de buscar a face de Deus.
Quando vocês ouviram e creram na palavra da verdade, o evangelho que os salvou, vocês foram selados(marcados) em Cristo com o Espírito Santo da promessa, que é a garantia da nossa herança até a redenção daqueles que pertencem a Deus, para o louvor de sua glória.
Efésios 1:13-14
Abraços da equipe Jovens Marcados!
Grace and peace!
Marked Young is one of the ministries that exist in the Evangelical Ministry Meshareth that has as president Pastor David Silvério Toledo. This ministry works the spiritual and personal development of the young and adult people following the direction of the Holy Spirit, besides further evangelistics actions through theatrical pieces in order to rescue people from hell and bring them to the Light of Jesus Christ leading them to surrender themselves to Christ. The Marked Young has on it´s leadership Pastor Bruno Ramos and the worship minister Leandro Gonzaga. Are welcome those of you that desire to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, we hope that our lives be a good testimony arising an intense desire on you to search the face of the Almighty Lord!
And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God´s possession to the praise of his glory.
Ephesians 1:13-14
Hugs from the partners Marked Young!
Marked Young is one of the ministries that exist in the Evangelical Ministry Meshareth that has as president Pastor David Silvério Toledo. This ministry works the spiritual and personal development of the young and adult people following the direction of the Holy Spirit, besides further evangelistics actions through theatrical pieces in order to rescue people from hell and bring them to the Light of Jesus Christ leading them to surrender themselves to Christ. The Marked Young has on it´s leadership Pastor Bruno Ramos and the worship minister Leandro Gonzaga. Are welcome those of you that desire to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, we hope that our lives be a good testimony arising an intense desire on you to search the face of the Almighty Lord!
And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God´s possession to the praise of his glory.
Ephesians 1:13-14
Hugs from the partners Marked Young!